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Tutorial: Manage Comments

This is how to manage the comments on your Blogger Blog.

This post was created using the Support Document on Blogger, titled Manage your comments.

Comments are feedback left on your blog. You can manage your blog’s comments in the settings or individually on each post. 


1. Open your browser of choice and sign into your Blogger account.

2. On the left sidebar, open “Settings.”

Settings tab in Blogger.

3. Scroll to the Comments section and choose your settings. Here, you can choose location, who can comment, and whether you would like to approve comments or not.

Settings for comments in Blogger.

4. Click “Save.”

Save button for Blogger settings.

To adjust the settings on a specific blog post….

1. On the post’s text editor, click the “Options” menu on the right side bar.

Options on Blogger's text editor.

2. Either allow comments, don’t allow comments (but keep the existing ones), or don’t allow comment (and remove the existing ones).

The options menu for Blogger posts.

3. Save/preview post or publish post to save settings and post blog entry.

Buttons on Blogger to preview or publish a blog post.


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